You can capture a drawdown contract either by: LC drawdown VAMI using an LC Issuer is validated against the LC Sublimits If there is LC drawdown increase or decrease in principal movements, Should be within the tranche current limit amount. The current outstanding under the tranche including the new drawdown.The screen is displayed with details of an existing drawdown contract,Ī new drawdown, Oracle FLEXCUBE validates the following: Of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Screen by typing ‘ LBDDDONL’ in the field at the top right corner You can process a drawdown contract in the ‘Drawdown Contract Section 6.24, "Viewing Syndication Contracts" 6.1 Processing a Drawdown.Section 6.23, "Settlement Instruction Maintenance.Section 6.22, "Processing the Release of Payment.Section 6.21, "Free Format Messages for Loan.Section 6.20, "Netting Cash Flows for a Tranche".Section 6.19, "Viewing the Waiver Details of.Section 6.18, "Maintaining Special Penalty Component.Section 6.17, "Viewing Borrower/Participant Contract.Section 6.16, "Processing Back Valued Interest.Section 6.13, "Processing Sighting Fund Rollover/Reprice".Section 6.12, "Transferring Participant Assets.Section 6.11, "Participant Position Summary".Section 6.10, "Modifying Participant Details".

Section 6.9, "Viewing Participant Contracts".Section 6.8, "Processing Participant Contracts".Section 6.7, "Amending Global Amount for a Contract".Section 6.6, "Allowing Back Valued Activities.Section 6.5, "Processing Revaluation of Drawdowns".Section 6.4, "Processing Future Value Dated Payments".Section 6.3, "Amending Drawdown SKIM Details".Section 6.2, "Capturing Drawdown Details".This chapter contains the following sections: